The trouble with “net zero”

As companies and investors make bold “net zero” announcements, we look beyond the headlines and focus on what is needed to deliver on these commitments. We explain the importance of setting clear transition pathways (indicating which emissions will be reduced, removed and offset) and clear targets (specifying which gases and scope will be covered) with short-term interim goals.

Fifty shades of green: a family office perspective

Today we published some initial thoughts on how family offices can embark on their own “sustainability investing” journey, based on our experience working with family offices. Building on this article, we outline below some of the main challenges we see when family offices try to figure out what “sustainability investing” means to them and how …

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The Reporting Times: Looking inside the investment “black box”

Mainstream investors are becoming more sophisticated in the way they integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) information in their investment process. But they are often failing to explain to companies what information matters most to them, how it relates to their broader financial analysis and how it impacts investment decisions. We offer some insights.

Integrated Reporting: Learning from industry leaders

To help companies develop their 2017 ESG communication strategies, we highlight a few practical examples of integrated reporting good practices from companies that were recognised as industry leaders in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2016 or the RobecoSAM Yearbook 2016.